
Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Comenius LUSTES Christmas tree 2013


Meeting in Hungary

From 07.10.2013 - 11.10.2013, the fifth meeting design within the framework of the Comenius project " Let Us Save The Endangered Species " in Debrecen in Hungary. The meeting was attended by partners from Turkey, Poland, Portugal, Cyprus, Romania, Italy and Hungary.
The purpose of the visit was to continue mutual relations and cooperation between the partners, getting to know the school system, educational institutions, Hungarian culture, work planning for the future, as well as knowledge of endangered and protected species in Hungary.
During the visit, the participants visited the Park of Hortobágy and took part in workshops at the park, visited the zoo in Nyíregyháza, Deri Museum in Debrecen, seen live endangered species both in Hungary and in Europe, learned traditional Hungarian folk dances and music. In addition, participants took part in a game of street, during which they visited Debrecen, and also be able to bathe in the city swimming pool.


European Languages Day 26th Sept. 2013

On September 26, 2013 at ZSM No. 1 in Grajewo we celebrated the European Day of Languages​​. Feast of Languages ​​was established at the initiative of the Council of Europe. On this occasion, the students of the club Comenius (SP1 and PG1) under the supervision of teachers prepared the scenes drama in English: "Last Animals", "Trip to the Safe Island" and "Endangered Species". The action took place in the framework of the Comenius project "Let Us Save The Endangered Species".
In addition, students from PG1 presented a few songs in English.
It also includes interesting facts about foreign languages​​.
The aim of this initiative is to educate the general public the importance of multilingualism in Europe, fostering cultural and linguistic diversity and the promotion of language learning outside formal education cycle.

International Forest Day 2013

We have had a bike trip to the forest in order to clean it. We have found a lot of rubbish. Later we have had a fire and fun. The weather was fantastic. Spring was great!

Meeting in Poland

We had a lot of guests from our partner schools in May 2013. We travelled a lot with our friends to show them national parks and endangered species in Poland. We visited our school ZSM nr1, town Grajewo, Biebrza National Park, Bison Reserve and Białowieża National Park as well as Galindia and the Park of Wild Animals. It was really fantastic experience and adventure.

                                               Biebrza National Park. It wasn't so easy :)


                                                           "Slaves" in Galindia

                                 Meeting in our library... PPT presentations about flags etc.